About StepUp Greensboro
StepUp Greensboro is a  non-profit community of diverse faiths that partners with adults and children in the shared goal of stable lives through jobs training.
Why? We believe that anyone can change his or her life when given the opportunity and time.  With the hundreds of men and women we have worked with, we have learned that people can and want to change.  StepUp Greensboro's process provides an opportunity for participants to transform their lives.
Who? We work with disadvantaged, low-income, jobless, underemployed, sometimes homeless individuals and their families.  Our Job Readiness program participants must be between the ages of 19 to 60, free of substance abuse and domestic violence, have no pending criminal charges and be able to present a Social Security card.
What? The first step is a job.  Our week-long Job Readiness program teaches skills that enable participants to find, land and keep a job.
How? Compassionate Accountability.  StepUp offers a hand up, not a handout. We develop relationships that support our participants while strengthening and requiring their personal accountability.